74&W Exclusives is our interview series with thought leaders, subject matter experts, and the people who are in the action. Get a deep-dive look at the pressing topics and issues facing our industry.
Socially-responsible/sustainable business and investing practices has become a more urgent topic for fund managers, asset owners, corporations and the general public. Read our interviews with:
CHRIS DAVIS: Senior Director, Ceres Investor Network. He discusses the state of investor and corporate buy-in, what hurdles lie in the way of broader acceptance of sustainable practices, and why investors who aren’t thinking about environmental, social and governance factors simply aren’t doing their jobs. READ NOW.
RUSSELL HELLER: Co-chair, Dwight Hall Socially Responsible Investment Fund. Learn how Russell leverages a small part of a university endowment to achieve social and environmental impact, and why his generation is likely to change the way people think about investing. (Includes a 74&WEST Exclusives Extra interview with Gabe Rissman, co-founder of Real Impact Tracker.) READ NOW.
SUSAN NICKEY: Managing Director at Hannon Armstrong, a publicly traded company that invests in sustainable infrastructure, including energy efficiency and renewable energy. She discusses the green energy space and how far along it's come, and how the firm is able to focus on environmental benefits and long-term returns simultaneously. READ NOW.